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We believe that there is one God, existing in three persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost (II Cor. 13:14) and that Jesus Christ is Lord and personal savior of our lives. We also believe in the power of the Holy Ghost and speaking in tongues.


Our dear friend, we invite you to come and be part of what the Lord is doing. Come and experience a practical relationship with God, and also with your friends at Living Gospel Ministry International. We are a church of individuals united by a common faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. We have a diversified cultural background of peoples who have made a public confession of their identification with Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. Each member subscribes wholly to the belief that Jesus Christ is the only true Savior and He is Lord of life. We believe that the only way for a person to have eternal life is by being united with Jesus Christ in spirit through repentance and faith. All members are committed to the local church by co-operating with the Holy Spirit in  development, preservation, and expression of the presence of God in them. Members believe in corporate fellowship and mutual trust between one another. My dear friend, membership is a trustful relationship and that the trust is to be taken seriously. You can request an application for membership when you attend our service. Your application will be accepted as an expression of your desire to be identified with and submitted to this ministry and its leadership. Remember, it is an act of your obedience to God having been directed by Him to join our church.



Rev. Dr. Augustines Adjepong is a pharmacist and the senior pastor of Living Gospel Ministry International. He is inspired and empowered by God to unleash and dismantle spiritual chains, shackles and barricades impeding the progress of human race of today. Rev. Dr. Augustines Adjepong is married to Mrs. Florence Adjepong with two children. His hobbies are biking, fishing and playing soccer. Apart from rendering his service to God, he also loves to reach out to the needy in varieties of fashion.



Pastor Francis Adjepong (Student Pastor) is a Spiritual Power House and a dedicated servant of God who is constantly interceding for the people of God. He is a dynamic man of God who believes in the power of prayer to change the changeable. Pastor Francis is married to Mrs. Victoria Adjepong with three children. His sacrificial work for God is sometimes extended outside the pulpit when he engages himself in traveling abroad to preach the Gospel.



Elder Alex Barson Ofori is the Senior Elder who is assigned to supervise and coordinate all the activities of the departments in the Church. He is a humble individual who is always determined to assemble the youth and prompt them in to praying without ceasing. His other activities are dancing to praise the Lord.



Deaconess Phyllis Baynes Superville is a God fearing multi-talented individual who spends most of her time executing her duties for the purpose of promoting and propagating the Gospel of Jesus Christ. As an accountant, tax preparer and a real estate agent she currently takes care of the books for the church.

Deaconess Simoy Bernard

Deaconess Simoy Bernard

Deaconess Simoy Bernard is an outstanding prayer warrior who always seeks to encourage children to know the word of God. She believes in nurturing children in the way of the Lord so the word of God becomes part and parcel of them. She currently teaches the Children's Sunday school in the Church. She also organizes and coordinates revival meetings.

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