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LGMI is planning to build a new sanctuary to absorb our growing congregation which will cost an estimated (US) $950,000. In our appeal for funds during the 2013/2014 fiscal year, we raised $39,000 in contributions from committed members of the church as well as donations from non-members. The $39,000 secured the land and the existing property. The $950,000 will cover the cost of demolition and construction of the new Sanctuary. The floor plans include the Sanctuary on the first floor, the auditorium and offices on the second floor, the Rectory on the third floor and a book store on the lower level which will also house storage for the music and sound equipment. Also included is funding for musical equipment, computers, printers, copiers, office furniture and other electronic devices and supplies required to enhance effective operation.

PLEASE NOTE: You do not have to have a Paypal Account to donate. Credit and Debit cards as well as ebank checks are accepted. Donate to:   INFO@LGMICHURCH.ORG

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Site of LGMI New House of Worship

Site of LGMI New House of Worship

Site of New LGMI House of Worship

Site of New LGMI House of Worship

3 storey building plan.

3 storey building plan.

Rendering of new location This is an architect's rendering of the new 3 storey LGMI House of Worship 1st floor - Sanctuary; 2nd Floor - Auditorium and offices; 3rd Floor - Rectory; Lower level - Bookstore


"...Can the flag grow without water?" Job: Chapter 8 Verse 11

Often our members and friends consider Living Gospel Ministry International (LGMI) in their Real Estate Plans. If you would like to include LGMI in your WILL or LIVING TRUST, or Create a charitable gift, or Annuity, or make a gift through a RETIREMENT ACCOUNT. Please contact Member Service at 917.432.4258 or send a message to us at

Living Gospel Ministry International (LGMI) depends on the generosity of our members, friends, the community and other Ministries to maintain and beautify our sanctuary. Every week we reach out to many people in different media for them to receive hope, encouragement and growth in their faith. Our mission statement, stemming from Philippians 2:16, is incorporated in preaching the Word of Life or Living Gospel to all without regard to race, color, creed, ethnicity, gender, or background. Our contribution back to the community and the world at large is expressed in utilizing both our professional knowledge and spiritual belief to grapple with technical complexities and demands of our generation. We preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to bring hope to the afflicted; not only that, but we also counsel and pray for those on the edge: for example; individuals with Drug Dependency or Addiction, those living with HIV-AIDS, Cancer patients and  individuals/children with developmental disorders such as Autism and many more.


We have varieties of specific funds you may want to donate your contributions to. If you wish to donate to a SPECIFIC FUND, simply type the amount and the fund in the donation field. For example:

($54 Offering) Other funding areas you may wish to donate to are:


  • Tithe

  • Offering

  • Building Fund

  • Relief Fund

  • Youth Support

  • TV Broadcast Support

  • Evangelism Fund

Please give to support the work of God. Every donation is greatly appreciated and is treated with prayer for effective use so we can altogether further the work of Jesus Christ. Thank you for your generosity!

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PLEASE NOTE: You do not have to have a Paypal Account to donate. Credit and Debit cards as well as ebank checks are accepted. Donate to:   INFO@LGMICHURCH.ORG


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